= Pacman Labyrinth =

This game was written by Zdenda (Zdeněk Zubr).
Music was provided by Poison.

== How to run and requirements ==

The game can be started from FLOP reader, DOS or QMEG menu. Basic have to be switched off!

This is a single player game controlled via single joystick.

Main screen shown whole labyrinth’s map. It consists of 9 rooms ordered in 3 rows per 3. Numbering is done from left top corner per rows. This screen can be left by pressing START.

== Game flow ==

Player starts in the middle of the middle room. Neighboring rooms (vertical and horizontal) can be accessed through doors placed in the middle of every wall (i.e. edges of the screen). Border rooms has doors only in directions of neighboring rooms.

Next to doors, teleports are are placed in various parts of rooms, always in number of 4. These can be recognized by flickering. Teleport occurs only in area of single room. Both vertical and horizontal teleports transfers to each other.

Panel in bottom part of the screen shows:

The goal is to collect all (both big and small) dots in all 9 rooms. It is crucial to avoid enemies (ghosts). Player loses life in case of collision with ghost which then disappears.

Another items with various functions can be picked up next to dots:

== Controls ==

Player’s direction (marble opening mouth) of movement is controlled via joystick. Fire button teleports the player in the middle of recent room.

M key turns the music on/off. There is also a hidden feature controlled via S key. It selects whether player character will automatically move in the latest direction input or will stop in joystick idle position.

== Scoring ==

== End of game ==

The game ends when player runs out of lives. Game field is replaced by info screen. New game can be started by pressing START key.