= How to run Turbo-converted XEX on real hardware =


== Problem description ==

I've fallen under propaganda of rescuing software for the future generations roughly 15 years ago and successfully converted several programs not to be seen in any archive.

The only problem was that programs could run in emulator only, not on real hardware.

== Cause ==

Remembering the programs this year, I've raised this sublect at Atari Klub meeting.

I've got to know the root cause of this issue:

Programs recorded from tapes in Turbo format starts at address $700, where loader resides in most of cases.

SDrive adapter can have this solved by shifting loader as low as $500, but this can't be done with AVGCART, for example.

As we have failed to solve this issue, I've asked at AtariAge (see [1]) and answer has come quickly.

== Solution ==

There are 2 options:

  1. Use the loader small enough to fit below $700

    Disk image was provided at afromentioned discussion (see [2]) with loader small enough. Xex has to be copied to its filesystem with name of AUTORUN. This can be done by using Total commander with proper plugin, for example.

  2. Compress program to free up enough memory for loader and decomress after start again.

    Tool Exomizer can be done for this, download is avaialble (see [3]).

    The latest version (3.1.0) has created XEX which has crashed emulator. Version 3.0.2 applies successfully. Archive contains binary for MS Windows (32 bit). Exomizer can me compiled for GNU systems (like Linux) from sources included in archive via "make" in "src" directory.

    Compression by using Exomizer can be done via command:

    exomizer.exe sfx bin -n -t 168 -Di_table_addr=$500 -Di_load_addr=$5000 old.xex -o new.xex

    ".exe" will be omitted in case of Linux.

== Conclusion ==

I can finally run originally Turbo-recorded programs on real hardware with any adapter.

Big thanks to both local and world-wide Atari community for willingly giving advices.

== Sources & links ==

  1. https://atariage.com/forums/topic/317656-xex-starting-at-700/#comments
  2. https://atariage.com/forums/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=815204
  3. https://bitbucket.org/magli143/exomizer/wiki/Home