News from the Atari user group (Atari klub)
Greetings to all members and non-members. This year, we celebrate a quinquennial anniversary of our user group. This is also related to the fact that at the end of December, at the regular membership meeting, election of the headmaster and other committee members took place. All three of us were elected for another 5-year term. I wish to thank the members for their trust.
I know that in the first 5-year term, communication with members and general public wasn't one of our strengths. That's why I am using this text to let others know what is happening in the group.
What is new in our user group:
- The committee approved membership fee of 500 CZK for year 2019. You can pay cash or cashless.
- The members who paid their fees are allowed a free entry to the Atariada 2019 event (as before).
- Even though we are not having promo items produced for the members this year, we are preparing a little surprise for Atariada.
- At the turn of the last year, we managed to put into operation a 3D printer kit that was borrowed from Robert for an indefinite time. Now we can handle small-scale production of various plastic parts, boxes and other small objects.
- We put into operation an e-mail conference dedicated to 3D modeling and printing. If you are interested in joining the discussion about these topics, please let us know.
Apart from that, the traditional privileges for the members are still in place:
- Participation in the user group meetings;
- Early access to the FLOP magazine;
- Free 3rd level subdomain at for webs related to user group activities (applicants can contact me directly).
Bohdan Milar